Should You Replace The Roof Of Your Home Before You Sell?
You want to put your home on the market, and you have a list of things you need to do to get it ready. It can be an overwhelming, stressful time for even the most experienced homeowners, and the last thing you need is more on your plate. You find yourself wondering if you should […]

Why Is Roof Insulation So Important?
Some homeowners assume that insulation is just extra padding. However, it’s not that simple. Insulation is important. Not just for a roof, but also for the people who live on the property. If you find yourself wondering why you need to invest in insulation, the information below may help. It Saves You Money Did you […]

10 Things Every Home Owner Should Know About Their Roof
You’ve lived in your home for quite some time and have the interior well memorized – right down to the amount of bricks in the fireplace. But do you know anything about your roof? 1. What Pitch You Have You need to be able to identify the pitch of your roof. Common roof pitches include […]

Tips for Avoiding a Roof Collapse
Tips for Avoiding a Roof Collapse Though you may not like to think about it, a roof collapse is a real possibility for your home if you don’t take steps to prevent it. It’s not a problem unique to states that deal with heavy snowfalls, and it can happen at any time of the year. […]

Why Nor-Cal Roofing Loves Boral Roofing Products and You Should Too
The time has come to install a new roof, but you don’t know what to do. Research attempts leave you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. What materials should you use? Does the manufacturer really matter? It does. Boral Roofing Products are one of the best in the industry. You can’t go wrong with Boral, and the […]

How to Keep Your Roof Repair Costs As Low As Possible in Northern California
Owning a home can be costly. It’s your responsibility to keep everything in working order. When something needs to be fixed, it’s up to you to provide financial backing. This is a source of stress and worry for many homeowners. How can you keep your roof in good shape and avoid extra bills? What should […]

Roof Maintenance Tips for the Lazy Homeowner
You know that caring for your roof is part of owning a house, but you just can’t work up the motivation to do anything. Maybe you feel you do enough already. Perhaps organization isn’t your forte. Don’t let laziness keep you from providing a safe, healthy environment for your family. Here are a few tips […]

How to Get Your Commercial Roof Ready For Winter Weather
When you own a business, it’s easy to get caught up in the stress and sense of urgency that comes with the territory. You have to keep customers happy, supervise your employees, and make sure that everything runs smoothly. What may not occur to you is the fact that you also have to take care […]